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Quest Vitamins LTD,
8 Venture Way,
Aston Science Park,
B7 4AP.

Tel: 0121 359 0056
Fax: 0121 359 0313
Registered in England No. 2530437




Abscesses, Acne, Allergy, Anxiety, Athlete's Foot, Boils, Bunion, Catarrh, Constipation, Eye Disorders, Hay Fever, Ingrowing Toenail, Sinusitis, Splinter, Stress.


Homoeopathy is a method of treating illnesses which uses very small doses of carefully chosen and prepared homoeopathic medicines. The medicines promote the body's own power to heal itself.

Simple self-limiting illnesses, where over-the-counter treatments would normally be used, are ideal for homoeopathic treatment. The medicine is selected by matching a symptom picture found in the patient with the homoeopathic picture of the medicine.


Homoeopathic tablets contain an extremely diluted dose of medicine and so are more sensitive than most other forms of medications. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid touching homoeopathic tablets.


Homoeopathic tablets should be taken as often as required to keep the symptoms away. Once the symptoms have settled, stop taking the medication. Generally, two tablets per dose are suggested for adults and one tablet per dose for children.

If symptoms persist after one or two hours, the dose should be repeated. Repeat the dose on an hourly basis. If symptoms have not responded at all after six doses, it is unlikely that this particular homoeopathic medicine is the correct one for the illness. Look at the symptom picture again to see if another medicine matches more accurately. If not, seek help from a qualified homoeopathic practitioner or from your own doctor in the case of potentially serious illness.

If symptoms improve, the dose can be repeated as soon as they recur. Repeat the dose in a similar fashion until the symptoms have subsided completely.

If symptoms change, choose a new medicine to match the new symptom picture and proceed as before.

If the symptoms worsen slightly after the dose of medicine is given, this may be part of the healing response and is known as "aggravation." It is generally followed, shortly afterwards, by an improvement in symptoms and no further medicine is required until or unless the symptoms recur.

If the symptoms continue to worsen, it is because the underlying complaint is not responding, in which case a different medicine should be tried, or medical advice sought.

Do not continue to take homoeopathic medicines once the symptoms have settled or if they fail to help.

Always seek medical advice for serious symptoms.


Because homoeopathy uses such dilute substances it is free from side effects and interactions with other drugs. This is why homoeopathy is very popular for children and during Pregnancy and lactation.


For lists of medically trained practitioners, trained homoeopaths (not medically qualified) and veterinary practitioners, contact the following organisations:

The Homoeopathic Trust
15 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1R 0AA
Tel: 020 7566 7810

Will send a list of vets and medically-trained practitioners on request.

British Homoeopathic Association
27a Devonshire St, London WC1N 1RJ
Tel: 020 7935 2163

Will send a list of vets and medically-trained practitioners on request.

British Association of Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgeons
c/o The Veterinary Surgery, King Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9JX

Can put you in touch with a homoeopathic vet.

Society of Homoeopaths
2 Artizan Road, Northampton NN1 4HU

Full members of the Society are not, in general, medically-trained but have trained in homoeopathy. A list of practitioners is available on request.

UK Homoeopathic Medical Association
243 The Broadway, Southall, Middlesex UB1 3AN
Tel: 01474 560336


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