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Quest Vitamins LTD,
8 Venture Way,
Aston Science Park,
B7 4AP.

Tel: 0121 359 0056
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Registered in England No. 2530437



Acne is characterised by lesions that appear on the face, neck, back, chest, and arms of an individual. They may be blackheads (comedones), whiteheads (pustules), Inflammation (acne vulgaris), and, in the more severe forms, cysts and scarring (acne conglobata).

Acne results from the Inflammation of blocked pores. Although most often present during puberty, due to over-secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands, acne can also occur in adulthood. Some speculate it is caused, at least in part, by genetic factors. One type of adult acne, rosacea, occurs most often in middle-aged people with fair Skin, and can be the result of alcohol abuse or a depressed Immune System.

In mild cases, frequent washing (but no more than three times a day) of the face and affected areas might clear up the condition. More severe cases of acne can require the attention of a dermatologist.


Echinacea (6)
Hawthorn (7)


Evening Primrose Oil
Fish Oil
Selenium (1)
B Complex
Vitamin B6 (2)
Vitamin A (3)
Vitamin E (1)
Zinc (4,5)


Rapidly developing bright red spots.
Usually high coloured complexion.

Hepar sulph.
Pus filled spots. Very tender.

May help in fair complexions.

Spots linger under the Skin, slow to come to a head, form scars.
Usually a cold-blooded person.

Unhealthy Skin, with crops of pimples or Boils, resistant to treatment.
Usually a warm-blooded person.


1. Michaelsson G and Edquist L. Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in acne vulgaris and the effect of Selenium and Vitamin E treatment. Acta Derm Venerol 1984; 64: 9-14.
2. Snider B, Dietman DF. Pyridoxine therapy for premenstrual acne flare. Arch Dermatol 1974;110:130-31.
3. Kligman AM et al. Oral Vitamin A in acne vulgaris. Int J Dermatol 1981; 20:278-85.
4. Michaelsson G, et al. Serum Zinc and retinol-binding protein in acne. Br J Dermatol 96(3): 283-286, 1977.
5. Goransson K, et al. Oral Zinc in acne vulgaris: a clinical and methodological study. Acta Dermatovenereol (Stockh) 58(5): 443-448, 1978.
6. Tyler V, et al. Pharmacognosy, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lew and Febiger, 1981, 480-81.
7. Longhi MG, et al: Activity of crutaegus oxyacantha derivatives in functional dermocosmesis, Fitoterapia, L(2), 1984, p 87-99.


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