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Adrenal Disorders


The adrenal gland, known as the adrenal cortex, normally produces adrenaline as needed to create the "fight or flight" response. Major disorders include an overactive adrenal cortex (Cushing?s Syndrome, with characteristic "moon face"); or an underactive gland (Addison?s disease, which is rare). Adrenocorticol failure can also be a symptom of something else, like pituitary disease.

Abnormal blood pressure changes may indicate an adrenal disorder. A drop in blood pressure upon standing will cause a person to faint, and may reflect weak adrenal performance.


Ginseng (1)
Milk Thistle


Bioflavonoids (5)
B Complex (3)
Coenzyme Q10
L-tyrosine (5)
Potassium (6)
Vitamin C (2)
Zinc (4)


1. Lin JH, et al: Effects of ginseng on the blood chemistry profile of dexamethasone treatment in male rats, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 23(2), 1995, p 167-172
2. Hornsby PJ, et al: The role of ascorbic acid in the function of the adrenal cortex - studies in adrenocortical cells in culture, Endocrinology, 117(3), Sept 1985, p 1264-1271
3. Spas VV, Vinogradov VV, et al: Optimization of the functional activity of the adrenal cortex in patients with sepsis, Anesteziol-Reanimatol, May-June 1991, (3), 53-5
4. Harms RH, Buresh, RE: Zinc deficiency compromises adrenal response to Sodium deprivation in rats, Nutr Rep Int, July 1986, 34(1), p 141-152
5. Morita K, Hamano S, Oka M, Teraoka K: Stimulatory actions of Bioflavonoids on tyrosine uptake into cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells, Biochem-Biophys-Res-Commun, 1990, 171(3), p 1199-1204
6. McCabe RD, et al: Aldosterone secretion and the mechanism of Potassium adaptation in rats, Steroids, 1993, 58(7), p 305-13


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